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2nd International Symposium on
Modelling and Knowledge Management for
Sustainable Development
Madrid, Spain, 24 September 2013
Co-located with SEFM 2013

MoKMaSD 2013 Home | Programme and pre-proceedings

Background | Topics | Important Dates | Submission | Publication | Committees | Contact
Call for Papers in Text and PDF formats.


[9 September 2013] Prelimiary programme and pre-proceeding version of papers published
[22 July 2013] Keynote speaker info available
[1 June 2013] Final Call for Papers published (DEADLINE EXTENSION)!
[20 May 2013] Second Call for Papers published!
[11 April 2013] First Call for Papers published!
[25 March 2013] Web site launched!


The aim of the Symposium is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry, government and non-government organisations to present research results and exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for modelling and analysing complex systems and using knowledge management strategies, technology and systems in various domain areas, including economy, governance, health, biology, ecology, climate and poverty reduction, that address problems of sustainable development. Papers presenting synergistic approaches that integrate modelling and knowledge management; illustrate realistic applications to environmental sustainability and inclusive development; and employ techniques such as simulation, visualisation, animation, nonlinear systems analysis, model-checking and inferential statistics are especially welcome.

Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on any relevant topic. These can either be normal or short papers. Short papers can discuss new ideas which are at an early stage of development and which have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.



Modelling methodologies and notations include:

System Dynamics
Systems of Differential Equations
Game Theory
Machine Learning
Agent-based Methodologies
Process Calculi and Petri Nets
Automata-based Notations
Rewriting Systems
Membrane Systems
Cellular Automata
Discrete Optimisation Modelling
Continuous Optimisation Modelling
Empirical Modelling
Taxonomies and Ontologies

Application domains include:

Sustainability Science
Integrated Development Planning
Evidence-based Policy
Enterprise Architecture
Ecosystem Science
Population and Reintroduction Biology
Climate Change
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
Urban Ecology and Smart Cities
Agricultural Systems
Poverty Reduction

Synergistic approaches include

(1) use of modelling methods and notations in a KM context to support

Knowledge Sharing                 System Thinking                 Modelling of Products and Services

Population Dynamics                 Adaptivity

(2) development and use of common modelling and KM frameworks to explore and understand
complex biological, social or economic processes and systems such as

Ecosystems                 Organisations                 Individual Capabilities                 Business Processes

Evolving City Systems                 Information and Knowledge Management Infrastructures                 Networks and Networking


Important Dates
Paper Submission deadline: 23 June 2013 (EXTENDED)
Accept/Reject Notification: 22 July 2013
Pre-proceedings Final version due: 26 August 2013
Post-proceedings Final version due: soon after the workshop

Workshop Format and Submission

The one day symposium will feature one or two invited talk and contributed paper presentations. All contributions in the form of either full technical papers, between 12 and 16 pages, or short position papers, up to 6 pages, will undergo a peer-review process.

All papers should be written in English and prepared using the specific LNCS templates available at

Papers must be submitted electronically through Easychair.



Accepted regular papers and a selection of accepted short papers will be published after the Symposium by Springer in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), which will collect contributions to workshops and symposia co-located with SEFM 2013 ( Condition for inclusion in the post-proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the Symposium. Pre-proceedings will be available online before the Symposium.

A special issue with selected papers may be planned, depending on the number and quality of submissions.


Keynote Speaker
  • Paloma Cáceres García de Marina, VorTIC3 Research Group, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain

    Title: A transport sharing platform to improve the sustainability

    Abstract: With the goal of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, we are developing CoMobility, a transport sharing platform which integrates carpooling and the use of public transport networks. Our solution defines a service-oriented platform, which uses open data from the public transport network, to help mobile users plan their use of transport, including sharing, with the purpose of saving both energy and money.
    To take advantage of this approach, individuals must be convinced of the benefits of reducing the number of private cars, and of the need of a new model of transport. For this purpose, our CoMobility platform has to "customize" analytics on savings and energy consumption, to make individuals aware of the benefits of this new way of travelling. These data are obtained by combining private data from carpooling, and open data from public transport networks, and from energy-aware institutions.


Program Co-chairs
  • Adegboyega Ojo, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Republic of Ireland
  • Paolo Milazzo, University of Pisa, Italy

Program Committee
  • Giulio Caravagna, DISCo, University Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  • Antonio Cerone, UNU-IIST, United Nations University, UN/Macau SAR China
  • Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Ed Curry, DERI, National University of Ireland, Ireland
  • Simone D'Alessandro, University of Pisa, Italy
  • Rocco De Nicola, IMT - Institutions Markets Technologies, Italy
  • Alexeis Garcia-Perez, Coventry University, UK
  • Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Erik Johnston, Arizona State University, USA
  • Hong-Gee Kim, Seoul National University, Korea
  • Siu-Wai Leung, University of Macau, Macau SAR China
  • Paolo Milazzo, University of Pisa, Italy (co-chair)
  • Alessandra Mileo, DERI, National University of Ireland, Ireland
  • Gianluca Misuraca, European Commission, JRC-IPTS, Spain
  • Giovanni Pardini, University of Pisa, Italy
  • Adegboyega Ojo, DERI, National University of Ireland, Ireland (co-chair)
  • Matteo Pedercini, Millennium Institute, USA
  • Barbara Re, University of Camerino, Italy
  • Pallab Saha, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Marco Scotti, COSBI, Italy
  • Siraj A. Shaikh, Coventry University, UK
  • Carron Shankland, University of Stirling, Scotland
  • Michael Sonnenschein, University of Oldenburg, Germany
  • Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
  • Massimo Tavoni, FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
  • Luca Tesei, University of Camerino, Italy
  • Shaofa Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, IOS, China


All inquiries should be sent to

 Created: Mon Mar 25 19:10:12 CET 2013 Maintained by  
 Updated: Mon Sep 9 17:44:39 CEST 2013 Paolo Milazzo